Sunday 5 January 2014

low poly model

Moving onto creating the low poly character which is aimed for mobile devices the goal is to create a texture memory foot print of 1024x1024 and a poly limit of 2000 tris. With the difficulty of finishing the high poly model I had another difficult task to create a low poly model.

The approach that I took was to use my high poly model and try to reduce the poly count by deleting edges, retapolgizing the mesh and try to put the polys in the appropriate place to still look similar to the design.

The helmet again caused a major issue as it took up a lot of polys. I also had to recreate the belt and simplify the shoes to achieve a low poly model. Through this process I managed to reduce the polys in every piece of armour giving me an overall poly count of 2000 tri

I think this was a successful process and a lot easier than reducing a 10,000 poly model to a 2000 model instead of millions of polys to 10,000.

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