Sunday 8 December 2013


Using the base mesh provided by Zbrush as a guide to show me the right proportions of my model I decided to experiment with trousers as a different approach to my original sketch. To do this I duplicated the sub tool of the body mesh and used poly frame to help mask everything except for the legs.

Once I had everything masked I was able to hide the rest of the body parts and select delete hidden, which deleted the hidden geometry and left me with the legs of my model. To continue to make trousers I Imported the legs into Maya to mend the crotch area as well as to thicken the legs so it looked more like trousers before exporting it back to Zbrush. 

 Back in Zbrush I used the move tool as well as dynamesh to fill the holes from the deleted hidden polys and move certain parts to make it fit around the model. The benefits of dynameshing the model is that it smooth’s out any geometry that I've moved or merged together, making it appear like new geometry which is a really useful method when sculpting.

Even though my final character may not be wearing trousers, I found that following the digital tutors tutorial helped me understand how to create trousers for when I may need to use this method for future designs and concepts.

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