Monday 30 December 2013

high poly maps

When I had reached this point of taking the uv snapshot I was so happy and pleased with my uv lay out and from here I used Photoshop to cut and merge my maps together. The cavity map when applied made the colour map horrible at certain areas so I went in and deleted some lines in photo shop to fix the model a bit more.
Uv snap shot

Colour map
To apply the cavity map I layered it on top of the colour map in Photoshop from here I played with the filters and levels to produce a nice effect on the colour map.

first cavity map

new cavity with less intense detail

finished colour map

From this new colour map I was able to make a specular map to produce this I duplicated the colour map and with this new colour map I go to filter tab in Photoshop and turn it black and white. This is to make the white shiner and the darker parts less reflective. To make the skin less shiny I put a black layer over the skin and lowered the capacity to bring it to a suitable shade before saving it out as my specular map.

specular map

Normal map this is to show the bumps and detail of my model I found that some of the maps that were produced didn't turn out to well. To fix this I tried to smooth out the colour to fix the normal map.

normal map

Finally once I was happy with my maps I used the colour map to help create an emissive map. An emissive map helps to great glows on certain parts of the body and for me this was easy to produce. I highlighted the parts I wanted to glow on my colour map, and from there I used a new layer filled with black and applied the same bright blue on top. So in this new layer it will only consist of black with the glowing blue on top. When applied this map will cause any colour that been applied over the black to glow. 

Emissive map

After all these creations I have made 4 maps at 1024x1024 so if making a foot print total of 4096x4096 is producing 4 maps then I have successfully created the appropriate texture memory foot print for the brief.

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